A guide to upholstery cleaning

Here at Pilgrim Payne, we provide upholstery cleaning to a wide range of customers. With many years of experience and a friendly, can-do attitude, it’s clear to see why we are a firm favourite with so many discerning clients. Read on to find out more about our guide to upholstery cleaning.

What is upholstery?

First of all – what exactly is upholstery? To put it simply, upholstery is the textiles used to cover a furniture frame. Examples in your own home may be a sofa, dining chairs, a footstool or a recliner. Upholstery is there to make the piece of furniture comfortable and more usable. It’s also a great way to make a style statement, and you can customise your soft furnishings to suit the décor of your home. Needless to say, you will want to keep your upholstery in great condition!

How to clean upholstery

Is upholstery easy to clean? Yes and no! There are a wide range of upholstery cleaning products out there, and most stains require nothing more than the application of the right cleaning materials and some good old fashioned elbow grease! Many pieces of upholstered furniture have been covered with stain-resistant fabric, taking the worry of sudden stains away. However, you’ll still need to keep build-up of dust and grime at bay!

However, do remember that over 85% of quality fabric manufacturers specify solvent cleaning of their cloths.

When should you call in the professionals?

Can anyone clean upholstery? That’s a great question – and one that we are well-equipped to answer! A lot of stains can be taken care of by someone with no prior cleaning knowledge, although that of course does come with a risk. If there is a stain that you haven’t been able to shift or you just aren’t comfortable cleaning your upholstery yourself, we are here to help. We provide an upholstery cleaning service that is tailored to each customer’s unique needs – guaranteeing great results for you.

Our experience

As one of the most experienced providers of upholstery cleaning in the UK, we have seen our fair share of stains. Thanks to our years of expertise – over 170 of them, in fact – we are able to quickly identify the most appropriate cleaning materials for a stain. Whether it’s a red wine spill, muddy pawprints, or a grease stain, our team of cleaning technicians will know how to shift it and leave your upholstery looking its best.

Regular cleaning

Sometimes, there are no obvious stains to remove on a piece of upholstery. Instead, it may be looking a little dingy because it is harbouring years of ground-in dirt. Whether you have just bought a pre-owned piece, or you just haven’t gotten around to giving your upholstery some TLC yet, a deep clean will work wonders. We will also provide advice on how to best care for your upholstery going forward, ensuring that it continues to look great for years to come.

We’re here to help

If you want to find out more about our upholstery cleaning services, then please do get in touch with our team today. They’d be happy to answer any questions that you have, and will arrange a visit to your home as soon as it is convenient for you.

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