Best Soft Furnishing Care Provider (South East England)

How Pilgrim Payne offers total care for carpets

Facilities Managers are the hidden heroes within the construction and corporate world. They keep worldwide businesses running smoothly and effectively,though they can often be overlooked when it comes to recognition of a job well done.

The 2016 Facilities Management Awards are prestigious awards run by Build Magazine, that are dedicated to recognising those hidden heroes within the Facilities Management role for their excellence and dedication to their profession.

Rachel Davenport, Awards co-ordinator, expressed her pride: “It has been a true privilege to showcase the sheer talent and hard work of every single category award winner. I would like to wish them every success going forward.”

As 2016 draws to a close Pilgrim Payne has been awarded an accolade from Build Magazine, the journal which is aimed at Facilities Managers and Architects, it has awarded Pilgrim Payne ” Best Soft Furnishing Care Provider” ( South East England).

Once again, it illustrates that our mission to provide excellent service both in restoration and supply of soft furnishings is regarded as the best of its kind.

We always strive to be better today than yesterday and our continued investment in equipment and staff continues to keep us at the forefront of the curtain cleaning, carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning areas of service provision.

As the year closes we have just installed a suite of new Austrian Blinds into Lloyds of London. This project involved us commissioning the special weaving of silk damask from the Gainsborough Silk Weaving Company.

We are now looking forward to the New Year where we shall continue to work with our clients to ensure that their properties look at their best.

The job of Facilities Managers can be a difficult one and many of our clients are able to relax, knowing a job or project given to Pilgrim Payne will be work done to the highest standards.

The City of London will continue to be a world leader, even in post-Brexit times, and Pilgrim Payne looks forward to helping it present itself as more than fit for purpose.

To everyone involved in making Great Britain a world class country we wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

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