Carpet Cleaning Reviews

Pilgrim Payne offers comprehensive carpet cleaning

There are hundreds and thousands of carpet cleaning businesses. Most of them are either single operators or maybe two or three staff operators. Some, a few, deliver quality results but many do not. At the other end of the spectrum there are the big boys who are often just marketing enterprises with a string of ever changing franchisees who sign up to a “big name” in order to get work and the benefit of large scale marketing back up. In the middle ground lay the small, select number of privately owned, responsible companies with loyal, well- trained staffs and strong quality control procedures.

When it comes to reviews, be very wary. Many, apparently, “positive” reviews are merely posts by friends and relatives of the particular company owner and posted to give a false impression of quality and service in order to deceive prospective clients. On the “negative” side, posts can be put up by disgruntled ex-employees or industry competitors who have never used a company’s services but try to discredit it with libelous or defamatory statements. This is a growing problem for Google and other review sites. Delivering high quality results that others cannot match can lead to jealousy and underhand responses from less efficient firms.

The safest way to choose a quality carpet and upholstery cleaning company is to research the company thoroughly. Firstly, check out it’s address. Is it real ? Many are not. Many companies post false addresses to try to convince would be clients that they are local businesses. This is very common in London areas. Worse still, no address at all! Avoid such companies at all costs. So, look at Google maps and find out if they have a real business property.

Secondly, check out if they have suitable levels of Public Liability insurance, normally £ 5,000,000. If they cannot produce on request then avoid the company like the plague. If things go wrong you will have no cover.

Next, find out how long their Technicians have been working for the company. How well trained they are ? Some workers have only a few days training when proper training takes several months or more.

Finally, does the company give free, written estimates at a separate, earlier visit before the cleaning Technicians arrive? If they just turn up to do the job, tell them, “no thanks”. This will avoid you being pressured into having work done.

Your home is important to you and so it is important that you select a carpet and upholstery cleaning company that has high standards. This can be checked out by seeing which accolades and endorsements they hold from unquestionable sources. These are the real indicators of quality and ethical working practices So, take care in choosing a carpet and upholstery cleaning company and ensure that your quality soft furnishings get the benefit of quality care.

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020 8453 5350


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