Christmas is coming

Pilgrim Payne offers a comprehensive curtain cleaning service

Christmas is coming and it’s time for giving presents. So, give your home the present of love and care from Pilgrim Payne.

Apart from looking after the investment you have made in your valuable curtains, carpets, upholstery and other soft furnishings you can now enjoy the Winter Sale that we are holding throughout December … 15% off all of our cleaning services.

Christmas is also a time for sharing with family and friends and a rejuvenating clean by Pilgrim Payne will add the finishing touch to make your home extra welcoming this festive season.

So, forget about the train strikes, Brexit and other winter woes. Call Pilgrim Payne and allow us to put that extra sparkle into your Christmas holiday.

Have a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year … from all of us at Pilgrim Payne.

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020 8453 5350

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