How to clean net curtains, sheers and voiles.

Pilgrim Payne offers a comprehensive curtain cleaning service

For many households, the cleaning of basic net curtains or sheers is simply a matter of: taking them down, removing the hooks, washing them on a gentle cycle and re-hooking and re-hanging them. This takes time and effort but it does save money.

The alternative for private, residential or commercial clients is to call in a specialist curtain cleaning company which has experience of dealing with this type of work. This is vital if the voiles or sheers are made of expensive fabrics or designer produced. If you have spent several hundred or, indeed, several thousand pounds on voiles or sheer curtaining it makes economic sense to take care of them. Many of the more expensive fabrics should not be wet cleaned, they should be dry cleaned by experts. We don’t mean your local dry cleaner who is used to cleaning clothes, we mean a specialist soft furnishing cleaner with knowledge of furnishing fabric care.

Find a company that offers a full take down, specialist clean and re-installation service with non-shrinkage guarantees included. Make sure that the company has a long history of caring for fine fabrics and designer names.

Regular cleaning is beneficial for you and your home

Sheers and voiles should be removed and immersion cleaned regularly, wherever possible. Once a year (or twice a year if you live in a city)is recommended, otherwise ingrained soiling may be impossible to completely remove and their proper appearance may be lost forever. City air contains pollutants and damaging chemicals which can discolour and weaken the fibres of delicate curtains. Regular cleaning can remove this damaging build-up and, thus, extend the lifespan of your investment.

Another benefit is that, over time,the curtains have acted as an air filter in the home and trapped the soil and particulate matter present in the air. Filters become clogged and saturated and it is necessary to clean them to remove the health harming dust, allergens and particles that will enter the indoor atmosphere if not removed. Cleaned curtains improve indoor air quality and can reduce the risk of respiratory problems and allergies developing.

A cleaner home not only looks (and smells) better but it is a healthier home, so it is important to inspect your curtains and review the condition of the fabric. This applies to all soft furnishings. If you do this you will be surprised by just how dirty the curtains have become, especially at the tops. If this is the case call in an experienced, professional company to help you return your valuable curtains to a cleaner, healthier condition.

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