A healthier home. A cleaner, safer environment.

How Pilgrim Payne offers total care for carpets

London is, at present, a heavily polluted city and it is said that to find really clean air one needs to travel as far west as Exeter. Indeed, since the 1990’s London’s air quality has regularly fallen short of E.U. legal limits and a series of heavy fines has been incurred. This external poor quality air does not, magically, halt at the doors of buildings. It is an invasive problem which enters and accumulates in the textiles of the home and interiors. Here are some ways to have a healthier home.

The only way to help create a healthier home is to have regular, thorough cleaning of home textiles, whether curtains, carpets, upholstery or rugs. It is essential to maintain correct levels of indoor air quality to protect the health of the family and the indoor environment. The growth of respiratory  illnesses and allergies such as asthma and hay fever is not something that is exclusively created by the outdoor atmosphere, indoor air quality is often a significant part of the problem. In order to improve things it is essential to arrange periodic deep cleaning of soft furnishings.

Curtains should be taken down and thoroughly cleaned every two to five years. The actual interval depends on the ambient levels of soil and pollution. Curtains act like filters to the air, catching and trapping dust and particulate matter (such as mp10s) and they will hold this damaging load until they are taken away and deep cleaned by a specialist curtain cleaning company. If this is not done the saturated curtain fibres release the soil back into the atmosphere of the home, with each agitation or air movement, ready to be breathed in by the occupants of the space. Research shows that on site cleaning does not effectively remove dust and soil. It is a “freshening up” process not a deep cleaning one.

Upholstery is also something that should have regular deep cleaning in order to prevent particulate soil being released into the interior atmosphere. Clothes carry dust and soil onto seating and this is held in place until movement causes it to become airborne where it can be harmful.

Carpets act like sponges, absorbing dirt and dust brought in from the outside. However, just like a sponge can become saturated with water, carpets can become saturated with soil and dust. There are various ways that carpets can be cleaned and just as many outcomes. Obviously, regular weekly vacuuming is of benefit. Many “dry-side” carpet cleaning systems exist but they are very limited in success and a more effective hot water extraction system should be chosen. Another concern that exists with “dry-side” processes is that of residual particulate matter which is left within the carpet fibres. If a dry compound is vigorously brushed into the pile of a carpet no vacuum cleaner in existence can remove all of it. This means that, as further domestic vacuuming occurs and carpets are disturbed by footfall and air circulation currents, the particles left within the carpet pile become airborne and are breathed in by the occupants of the home. Human lungs and sinuses do not respond well to airborne dust and irritants and respiratory problems and sinus problems can result.

Thorough pre-vacuuming, followed by hot water extraction cleaning by a professional carpet cleaning company will deliver a cleaner, fresher, healthier carpet and leave far less dangerous matter in the environment. This, in turn, reduces the risk of high levels of allergens and particulate irritants which makes yours a healthier home.

Much is being done in London, at present, to improve outdoor air quality. In order to protect the health of our families it makes sense to adopt cleaning regimes which minimise the risks of poor indoor air quality. It benefits us all to remain as healthy as possible.

If cleaning is going to be carried out, it makes sense to ensure that it is done in the most effective way possible. Systems that are the most efficient should be chosen. If a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well…………………especially when it is a matter of your family’s health.

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