How often should you deep clean your upholstery?

Wondering how often you should clean your upholstery? You aren’t alone! Lots of people aren’t sure how often they should deep clean their upholstery, which can lead to them doing more than they need to or their soft furnishings not getting the care that they need. Luckily for you, we’ve put together a guide to help you keep your upholstery in great condition for years to come.

How long should you wait?

As a general rule of thumb, we recommend that people have their upholstery cleaned professionally every two to three years. This is easy to schedule and budget for, and in the majority of cases it is exactly what your upholstery needs if you want to extend its good looks and lifespan.
Here at Pilgrim Payne, we have a vast amount of experience. Whatever your upholstery is made of, we will have the right cleaning materials to hand. We know how to work with a wide range of textiles and will remove stubborn stains and smells from your upholstery all the while retaining its character and appearance.

When is more frequent cleaning needed?

Of course, there may be circumstances where your upholstery needs more frequent cleaning. If you notice any stains or an unpleasant musty smell, then it needs immediate attention. We will be able to clean your upholstery outside of your scheduled cleaning times, so please do not hesitate to give us a call. If your upholstery comes into regular contact with children and pets, it will require more regular cleaning. Above all else, you should always follow what the manufacturer recommends, where in 9 cases out of 10 it is professional dry cleaning.

We’re here to help

Still not sure how often you should clean your upholstery? We are here to help. Our team of friendly advisors will be able to advise you on the most appropriate level of service for you, allowing you to keep your upholstery looking its best. With highly competitive prices and brilliant aftercare too, you will be glad that you chose Pilgrim Payne.

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