What are the limitations of on-site curtain cleaning ?

Pilgrim Payne offers a comprehensive curtain cleaning service

To compare on-site curtain cleaning with removal and immersion cleaning of curtains is like comparing surface cleaning of a shirt by laying it out flat on a draining board and wiping it over with a cloth to immersion washing it in a washing machine. The results are very, very different !

One method is just surface cleaning to remove light soiling and, if carried out every six months or so, may keep clean curtains clean. However, most of us only clean curtains every four or five years and there is a great build up of soiling, dust, pollutants and allergens. This cannot be successfully removed by on-site surface cleaning. The items need to be taken down by a specialist curtain cleaning company, not a clothes cleaner, which can properly clean your valuable curtains. Choose a curtain cleaning company that is dedicated to soft furnishing care and preferably also makes new curtains. That way you will know that they are fully conversant with every aspect of curtains and their make up.

When curtains are taken down and successfully cleaned by a specialist company the results are truly impressive and the life of the curtains is extended by thorough removal of damaging pollutants and chemicals which have built up over time in the fabric. Stain removal is far more successful within a dedicated curtain cleaning plant where skilled operatives use sophisticated equipment to pre-treat stains and areas of heavy soiling before dry cleaning occurs in state of the art Dry cleaning units. This cannot be achieved when curtains are hanging at a window.

If a surface cleaned curtain is hung next to an immersion cleaned curtain the difference in appearance is considerable. A specialist, dedicated curtain cleaning plant costs from about £ 500,000 to set up. That is why few of them exist. Equipment for on-site cleaning of curtains can be bought for about £ 2,000. It is easy to see why plant cleaning outperforms surface cleaning.

A professional curtain cleaning company should offer a full take down and re-installation service carried out by experienced staff. Also, always ensure that guarantees against shrinkage are given in writing to protect your valuable investment. Look for a firm with a long and successful history of caring for soft furnishings. Ask to visit their plant to see where your curtains will go. A reputable company will be only too happy to offer this.

On-site cleaning of curtains should only be carried out where curtains are too weak to be moved or have very light levels of soiling, otherwise go for the right method of cleaning as recommended by fabric manufacturers and suppliers…specialist plant cleaning for top quality results.

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