New Year's Resolution. Look around your home!

How Pilgrim Payne offers total care for carpets

Winter generally means cold weather and dark days, a gloomy time of year. But it does have some definite benefits like sitting around a warm fire and making time to relax with the family. There are also other ways to blow away those winter blues.

Although fewer people decide to have their curtains cleaned during the winter months it is a great time to consider cleaning and refreshing your upholstery and rugs. During the months of January and February Pilgrim Payne is offering 15% discount off all rug and furniture cleaning prices, so it is a great time to carry out those long delayed restorations.

A cleaner, brighter, fresher home makes us all feel more positive, even in the midst of media focus on Australian ‘flu and Donald Trump’s latest exploits. Cleaner soft furnishings also create improved indoor air quality and can help reduce the presence of harmful allergens within the home environment.

Curtains, carpets and upholstery are often left for too long between periodic deep cleans and this can mean that dust and grit can embed in fibres and have a damaging, abrasive effect on them. Thus, wearing away at the fabric and reducing the lifespan of your cherished furniture and carpets.

Another problem can be that if the items are not cleaned regularly enough their appearance will fall below a level that can be restored by cleaning processes and the cost of replacement is far more expensive than the cost of cleaning.

Quite often, our clients tell us that the finished results far exceed their expectations and the lifetimes of their soft furnishings are, therefore, extended and much money is saved.

We also offer a rug repair and conservation service, along with a curtain re-lining and alterations service……….again, helping to reduce household expenses by removing the cost of replacement. All our advice is free to our clients and we are told that our honesty and guidance is invaluable in helping to arrive at the right decisions for each customer.

So, while the winter is with us, think about calling Pilgrim Payne and arranging a free estimate for any of your cleaning needs and help extend the life of your soft furnishings. We would love to hear from you, simply call us on the phone number on our website, or just drop us an e mail…………you will be glad you did when you see the results. Let us help you to enjoy your home a little more. And don’t forget, it will soon be Spring and the longer days will show off the restoration works of the winter to their full advantage.


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