Recovering Upholstered Furniture

How Pilgrim Payne offers total care for carpets

No matter how much we take care of our upholstered furniture and have it cleaned regularly to maintain its appearance, there will eventually come a time when a new item of furniture will be required or the existing one will need to be stripped and recovered with new fabric to restore it to its former glory.

If you have a quality sofa or chair it makes a lot of sense to consider having it recovered. The piece you have fits the space you have and even if some of the sitting comfort has gone this can be rectified by re-springing or re-upholstering the item. Once an item of furniture is repaired and restored it can normally look and feel as good as new again.

This option also gives you more control over its appearance because you can choose from a far greater range of fabrics than you would be able to select from a High Street store.

A few companies undertake all types of furniture recovering and renovations and can even make bespoke items of furniture to fit your available space. Thus, you have a piece of furniture where nothing is compromised. It is the size you want, in the style you want and in the fabric you want. Why have off the shelf when you can have custom made for the same price or sometimes less?

When choosing a company to recover your favourite chair or suite always ensure that it has the experience and knowledge to do the job well. A long history is always a benefit. If you require a new sofa or chair make sure that the item has a good quality “screwed and glued” dowel beech wood framed construction beneath its upholstery and fabric. That way you can expect many years of life from your investment. It is a fair expectation to have, at least, twenty five to thirty years of service from a well made chair, often more.

Make sure that you discuss all your requirements thoroughly before making your choice and ensure that all materials used conform to current Fire prevention regulations. It is illegal not to do so.

Lastly, all that is left is to enjoy the latest enhancement to your home.

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