Sunshine makes us feel better.

Pilgrim Payne offers a comprehensive curtain cleaning service

The health benefits of sunshine (within safe parameters) are widely known. It increases vitamin E production within the body and the uplifting benefits of being in the sunshine are widely documented. Many things look better in the sunlight and it’s effects are health giving and invigorating.

It does, however, tend to show up how soiled and stained our curtains, carpets, upholstery and rugs have become over the years. This is not a bad thing, it is a good thing because it gives us a prompt to look after our valuable soft furnishings. Periodic cleaning of carpets and rugs especially will significantly extend their lifespans and also keep their appearance looking tip top.

A cleaner home is also a healthier home. This keeps us and our children safer in a great many ways. Removal of allergens by thorough cleaning will make our homes healthier places. Keeping floor coverings in a more hygienic condition will reduce footfall bacteria and the risk of infections. Pets also increase levels of bacteria brought in to affect carpets, upholstery and rugs. Our best friends are not always our cleanest friends.

The advent of Spring sunshine is very welcome and it reminds us that Spring cleaning time is here again…….a time to clean our homes, open windows and let in refreshing air. The lengthening evenings mean that we do not miss the presence of our curtains when they are sent away for regular, specialist cleaning. Spring is a time to clean and redecorate and the drier weather means that deep cleaned carpets will dry more quickly.

It is worth remembering that soft furnishings act as filters to the air in our homes, collecting particulate matter that is air borne and foot borne. But filters, like those  in our cars need regular cleaning or replacing if they are to do their jobs well. These “filters” help to keep indoor air fresher and healthier, so look after them.

Ionisers can also improve indoor air quality by drawing pollutants towards them.

So, as we enter Spring and start to enjoy the benefits this will bring take a good look around your home to see if any of your cherished soft furnishings need to be cared for and restored to their former glory. Doing so will not only give you a better living environment, it will also extend the lifespans of your textile furnishings and protect the significant investment you have made in your home.

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