Take the hard work out of curtain cleaning

Pilgrim Payne offers a comprehensive curtain cleaning service

There comes a time (normally about every 2-3 years in a polluted, dirty environment like London) when even the best maintained curtains, pelmets, swags and tails get to the stage where professional cleaning and re-installation is unavoidable.

If you have invested a good amount of money into quality soft furnishings it makes sense to invest a modest amount of money into taking care of your cherished window dressings both for the sake of extending their useful  lifespan and improving the appearance and the indoor air quality in your home.

When you take the plunge and decide to clean your curtains there is  a choice to be made. It can either be done by you, yourself, or given to a specialist cleaner of soft furnishings. If you opt to go it alone, you will need to set up your steps or a ladder securely before carefully taking down your window dressings. The items should then be transported carefully to a suitable cleaner. Here, again, there is a choice to be made. You can either opt for a local High Street cleaner of garments or go to a specialist firm. The latter is a much safer course of action.

Garment cleaning and soft furnishing cleaning are two different disciplines and follow different procedures and processes. Garments tend to be pre-shrunk and extensively tested before sale whereas most soft furnishing fabrics are not pre-shrunk. Therefore, any professional cleaner you choose needs to offer you a guarantee of non-shrinkage. If not, avoid them like the plague!

So, now that the job is done you have your curtains and dressings ready for collection you can transport them back home and begin re-installing them. Again, always ensure that your access equipment is safe. Once you have installed and dressed the curtains etc. you are ready to spray with a fabric relaxant to remove the transit creases. If all has gone well you can stand back and admire the results.

It is strange but true that most DIY curtain cleaning and installation costs just as much as calling in a specialist company. But the results are generally inferior.

If you call in specialists instead of doing it yourself you will normally finish with a superior result carried out by experts, after all you did not hang your custom made curtains yourself when they were newly delivered, did you?

When choosing a curtain cleaning company always make sure that they have a long history of delighted clients and that you can inspect their cleaning plant. You do not want your valuable curtains given to an unknown, third party for cleaning. Also, do not rely entirely on “reviews”, as many of these are “manufactured” by “friends” of the company concerned.

Lastly, ensure that they do not use the more limited on-site methods of cleaning unless this is unavoidable. On-site cleaning can work but it does deliver far more limited results. Surface cleaning will never match full immersion cleaning.

When you are ready to clean your curtains, pelmets, swags and tails always consider the outcomes and pick an established, reputable and trusted company …………………you’ll be glad you did!

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