Time to call in a specialist textile cleaner.

Pilgrim Payne offers a comprehensive curtain cleaning service

If you needed a neuro-surgeon to carry out a delicate operation on your brain you would not call upon the services of a cosmetic surgeon to do the job, would you? This is because they have different skill sets. They are trained to carry out different work. Also, the theatre set up for neuro-surgery is very different to that required for cosmetic surgery. It is far more sophisticated and expensive to purchase.

The principle above applies to many other spheres of work…………….even textile cleaning and restoration.

If you own quality curtains, carpets, rugs and upholstery in your home you should always seek and find a top quality, specialist cleaner rather than entrust your furnishings to the wrong company.

Specialist textile cleaning is a highly skilled area of work. It is far from a matter of just putting items into a dry cleaning machine or shampooing a carpet. It is the employment of decades of experience and knowledge and the use of top quality, specialist equipment that delivers first class results. Most quality, soft furnishing fabrics require specialist dry cleaning by experts. Such experts are few and far between. These fabrics are not manufactured in the same way as garment fabrics which are extensively tested before sale and pre-shrunk. This means that garment fabrics can be cleaned by normal High Street cleaners. Furnishing fabrics, however, do not have to pass through such stringent testing before sale and are not pre-shrunk. Indeed, most manufacturers state to allow for 5-8% shrinkage when cleaning. This fact means that furnishing fabric cleaning is not as straight forward as garment cleaning. Stories of curtain shrinkage are common if not undertaken by a specialist.

High Street garment cleaners use different cleaning additives to textile specialists and this is part of the problem. Cleaning garments is different to cleaning furnishing fabrics, so if you require curtains or covers to be cleaned go to a specialist. It is the same when cleaning top quality upholstery………..here, the use of dedicated equipment and cleaning agents is needed to deliver successful outcomes.

Choose a specialist who has a long history of restoration success. Fine rugs and carpets are another area where work should be entrusted to a suitable company. In buying services you tend to get what you pay for. The cheapest job often delivers cheap results and unhappy customers. Restoration of high quality interiors with cheap suppliers is a false economy. Go for quality restoration work.

Do your research carefully before making a choice. That way your cherished soft furnishings will look good for years to come.

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