Wool carpet cleaning guide

How Pilgrim Payne offers total care for carpets

There are a lot of myths existing about the cleaning of wool carpets… many developed by those with vested interests. So, firstly, let’s dispel some of these:

One that says you should not wet clean a wool carpet. This is false. Wool carpet fibres clean very well using water based systems. Just make sure that it is done by experts using quality hot water extraction equipment and top quality cleaning agents from reputable manufacturers.

Another myth is that wet cleaning your wool carpets will shrink them. Not so. If a trained and experienced technician is carrying out the work then shrinkage will not occur. Some Pilgrim Payne technicians have over forty years experience. Experience enough to take care of your valuable wool carpets. Always choose a company that offers a no shrinkage guarantee.

Myth number three is that wool carpets will “brown out” if wet cleaned. Like any process hot water extraction is only as good as the company delivering the service so find a long established company with a history of successful carpet cleaning and highly trained technicians.

Axminster Carpets rightly suggest ” if in doubt, call in the experts”. Make sure that you do your research when choosing a carpet cleaning business. Look for a proven track record of delighting customers with top quality results.

The cleaning process, itself, should include thorough pre-vacuuming with an upright, high grade vacuum cleaner to remove loose soil and grit. This should be followed by pre-spotting of stains and pre-spraying of heavily soiled areas. This is to loosen them from the fibres before the cleaning process begins. Next comes the hot water extraction phase where the cleaning solution circulates through the carpet pile to lift and extract the soil from the carpet. Finally, there is a need to rinse out any remaining soil matter and this leaves the carpet pile looking and feeling at its best.

Wool carpets should be thoroughly cleaned periodically. The cleaning interval depends on factors such as level of usage, level of traffic and air quality. Normal intervals are between one and five years in domestic environments dependent upon local factors. More regular cleaning of commercial carpets is advisable.

Other methods of cleaning such as shampooing and dry compound cleaning systems do not clean wool carpets as successfully as hot water extraction. They can leave harmful residues in the pile which can affect appearance and indoor air quality.

Lastly, make sure that any company chosen is a member of the N.C.C.A. ( National Carpet Cleaners Association). That way you can rely on correct practices and business procedures.

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