Our Services

Pilgrim Payne offers comprehensive curtain cleaning

Cleaning, Restoration, Re-upholstery & Curtain Making

With over 170 years of experience, Pilgrim Payne® are experts in the art of specialist cleaning and dealing with soft fabrics and furnishings.

We believe that quality furnishings require quality cleaning and restoration. Our work is thorough, our staff experienced, courteous and efficient, and we offer excellent value for money.

When our technicians visit a client’s home or premises, we ensure that the client is called beforehand to confirm their arrival time, and on completion of the work, we ask clients to call our head office to advise us of their complete satisfaction – no other cleaning company offers this level of service.

Curtain Cleaning

Pilgrim Payne® offers comprehensive curtain cleaning

We offer a comprehensive curtain cleaning service in London and the South East that includes full non-shrinkage guarantees and ensures total satisfaction.

Being curtain makers as well as cleaners, we can advise on every aspect of care and maintenance of curtains, pelmets, swags, tails, festoon blinds, Austrian blinds, lace curtains, voile nets; the list is virtually limitless.

Upholstery cleaning

Pilgrim Payne® provides an intensive cleaning service

Pilgrim Payne® provide an intensive cleaning service to refresh and fully clean upholstery and soft furnishings in London, South East & beyond.

Carpet Cleaning

How Pilgrim Payne® offers total care for carpets

We offer a total care service for carpets and, as members of the National Carpet Cleaners Association, we work to a Code of Practice and pride ourselves on our professionalism and the outstanding results achieved for both our domestic and commercial clients.

Fine Carpet Cleaning

We use safe and thorough cleaning methods

At Pilgrim Payne® we appreciate the fact that specialist rugs and fine carpets differ in their construction and fibre content. This is why we offer a dedicated fine carpet cleaning service to our valued clients throughout London and beyond.

Rug Cleaning

Pilgrim Payne® offers specialist rug cleaning

Pilgrim Payne® offers specialist rug cleaning and tapestry cleaning throughout London and beyond.

As part of our rug cleaning service, items are collected and taken to our cleaning plant where they are inspected for stains and areas of wear or weakness. The rug or tapestry is thoroughly vacuumed to remove all loose soil – areas of heavy soil are pre-sprayed and stains are pre-spotted by hand. If the rug or tapestry has any fringes, they are cleaned and brushed by hand.

Reupholstery & Curtain making

Pilgrim Payne® offer a comprehensive reupholstery service

Pilgrim Payne® offer a comprehensive reupholstery service for cherished items of furniture and soft furnishings that require a little more than a clean, as well a bespoke furniture making service.

General & Spring Cleaning

Freshen Your Home With a Spring Clean

For that once a year “Spring clean”, a much needed clear-up following building work, or a thorough clean for a special occasion, our London-based clients can now avail themselves of our general cleaning services.