Statement of Environmental and Social Responsibilities

We strive to reduce our impact wherever we can

We are a small business, employing less than thirty staff. This means that our environmental impact is relatively small, however, we strive to reduce our impact wherever we can.

We are a service business offering the cleaning and refurbishment of curtainscarpetsupholstery and rugs. Therefore, by definition, we are extending the lifespans of existing items and thus reducing the need to manufacture new. Thereby reducing energy consumption and expenditure of fossil fuels necessary for the production of new fabrics, ancillary goods and their transportation. There is also the benefit of reducing the need for new products by educating customers in the gains of restoration of existing furnishings instead of replacement of goods.

The entire service side of the business is, effectively, restoring and renovating existing items of soft furnishings and hence lessening the impact of new production right back to base raw materials and their transportation. In this endeavour we are reducing environmental impacts on our world.

On the product side of our business we purchase from responsible sources which are all British companies, based within Great Britain and thus adhering to prevailing employment, environmental and social legislation and guidelines. Examples of such are Sanderson fabrics, J P & J Baker, Warner, etc. Many of these producers, themselves, holding Royal Warrants of Appointment. We rely on them to be socially, environmentally and employment law compliant. We do not buy from any overseas sources.

Many of our discarded fabrics and linings are recycled in house as wiping cloths or sent to Coppermill Ltd (another Royal Warrant Holding Company) to be recycled on a larger scale. Paper and card wastage are sent to Pierce Recycling for ongoing use.

Stocks of fabric linings are sourced from reputable companies who supply details of their own suppliers to ensure we do all we can to purchase ethically sourced finished goods.

Environmental issues are considered by the Managing Director and other Managers to ensure that we comply with all current environmental regulations. Pilgrim Payne® is committed to doing all it can to decrease its impact on the environment.

Energy usage is minimised wherever possible as by utilisation of more energy efficient lighting as renewals occur and substantial building insulation to reduce heat losses. We have also retro-fitted Dry cleaning machines with efficient emissions reduction units such as Coal-Perc processors. This allows reduction in solvent consumption and also re-cycles the solvent itself. Our premises are inspected periodically by the local Authority in order to validate our compliance with emissions directives.

Attention to planning of Service vehicle routes helps reduce both fuel consumption and emissions levels. Where possible we will use suppliers close to our base in order to reduce fuel used in delivering goods to our premises. Staff recruitment is focussed on people residing within 5 – 6 miles of our Plant and Offices in order to minimise commuting energy impacts on the environment. This has the added benefit of removing long morning and evening journeys for our staff.

Minimisation of paper usage and only printing where essential reduces both costs and the environmental impacts of paper production by others.

Over the coming years we shall strive to control and further reduce our impact on the environment by adopting improved processes and procedures wherever possible.

Our social awareness leads us to look after the best interests of our staff both in terms of providing rewards which exceed those of our competitors and quality conditions which recognise their worth.

We also have yearly Health and Safety reviews carried out by external consultants. Their findings are acknowledged and recommendations are implemented following inspection. We install safer equipment wherever possible to reduce health risks. E.g. changeover from Cooling tower to closed system Chiller to remove possibility of growth of Legionella bacteria.

Pilgrim Payne’s policy is to continually strive to reduce its impact on the environment. It also seeks to behave in a socially responsible way in its dealings with both our own staff and members of the public. E.g. the company was instrumental in delivering parking controls and speed humps onto the business park where it is based.

Pilgrim Payne® and its staff are committed to doing all they can to act in a caring and responsible way in all our endeavours.

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